Pediatria 3 | 2014

Table of contents

Functional gastrointestinal symptoms in infants - managing algorithms

Diana Kamińska,
Pediatria 3 | 2014
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Incidence of childhood obesity in the United States

Piotr Buda, Mieczysłąw Litwin,
Pediatria 3 | 2014
Price:6 PLN
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The role of protein in infant nutrition

Jerzy Socha,
Pediatria 3 | 2014
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Sensory integration and sensory processing disorder

Małgorzata Matyja, Anna Gogola, Iwona Doroniewicz, Aneta Gutowska,
Pediatria 3 | 2014
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Iron - how to prevent iron deficiency and treat iron deficiency anaemia in infants

Agata Pleskaczyńska, Anna Dobrzańska,
Pediatria 3 | 2014
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Vesicoureteral reflux - when pediatrician should send the patient to pediatric urologist?

Małgorzata Baka - Ostrowska,
Pediatria 3 | 2014
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Biofeedback therapy in the treatment of functional constipation

Dorota Jarzębicka, Joanna Sieczkowska, Józef Ryżko, Grzegorz Oracz,
Pediatria 3 | 2014
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Influenza vaccination before and after liver transplantation

Irena Jankowska, Maja Klaudel - Dreszel, Agnieszka Dobrzyńska, Joanna Pawłowska,
Pediatria 3 | 2014
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Midface hypoplasia and its clinical demonstrations in daily practice of a pediatrician

Małgorzata Kiwilsza, Ewelina Staniszewska, Magdalena Miedzik, Tomasz Smektała, Krzysztof Dowgierd, Przemysław Ciechanowski, Katarzyna Sporniak - Tutak,
Pediatria 3 | 2014
Price:6 PLN
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Dietary patterns of infants and children aged 13-36 months - nation-wide study

Halina Weker, Marta Barańska, Agnieszka Riahi, Małgorzata Więch, Małgorzata Strucińska, Grażyna Rowicka, Hanna Dyląg, Wiktor Klemarczyk, Patrycja Graf, Piotr Socha,
Pediatria 3 | 2014
Price:6 PLN
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Impact of starting vaccination of the infants during hospitalization on the timing of further vaccines administering up to 18 month of life

Ewa Głuszczak - Idziakowska, Maria Wilińska, Małgorzata Warakomska, Emilian Szczepański,
Pediatria 3 | 2014
Price:6 PLN
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Pancreatic cyst imitating a duodenal duplication in a child after acute pancreatitis

Julia Starońska, Magdalena Kolasa, Iwona Pakuła - Kościesza, Anna Rybak,
Pediatria 3 | 2014
Price:6 PLN
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The assessment of neurodevelopmental therapy’s influence on the level of sensorimotor integration of infant

Anna Gogola, Małgorzata Matyja, Michał Kuszewski,
Pediatria 3 | 2014
Price:6 PLN
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Report on the conference "Medical Standards in neonatal and pediatric practice"

Piotr Buda, Łukasz Obrycki,
Pediatria 3 | 2014
Price:6 PLN
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