Review procedure

• Submitted manuscripts are initially assessed by the journal’s editors.
• Manuscripts not fulfilling the formal or legal criteria or without satisfactory content are immediately rejected.
• Preliminarily accepted manuscripts are then reviewed by two independent reviewers from other than the authors institutions.
• The authors of the manuscript and the reviewers do not know their identities (double-blind review process).
• In other cases, the reviewer declares lack of conflict of interests. Conflict of interest is regarded as having any personal relations with the author (especially family relationship up to second-degree, marriage), professional relations or direct scientific collaboration during 2 years prior to the review.
• The written review contains a direct conclusion: acceptance of the paper, conditional acceptance of the paper with stated conditions that have to be met prior to the paper’s publication or rejection.
• The editorial team is obliged to publish the list of reviewers at the journal’s website, at least once a year.
• Review form is available as.doc and as .pdf file.